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Sports Sands
Grade D Sand

Grade D Sand

Medium Coarse Washed

Our medium coarse graded washed silica sand


This sand comes from our Westerham site and is slightly coarser graded than the Grade E which comes from the same washing plant. Grade D is our best selling washed sports sand and is used all over the south east . It is extremely free draining and used in sports turf maintenance and construction by the majority of contractors, including our own team at Bourne Sport. It lies just outside the USGA specification (due to the coarse sand fraction) but is significantly cheaper than our other washed medium/ coarse sports sands.

Technical Data

Medium Sand: 58%
SHC Rate: 471 mm/hr
Calcium Carb: 0%


icon-technical-document-alt-normal-text Grade_D_Sand_Feb_2...
RH28 Sand USGA washed sand
  • USGA
  • Top Dressing
  • Treepit Subsoil
  • Sand Banding
Contract Sand Unwashed USGA Sand
  • Clean As Dug
  • Medium Coarse
  • Amelioration
  • Construction
Washed US Sand Medium Coarse USGA Sand
  • USGA
  • Top Dressing
  • Bunker Sand
  • Play Pit Sand